Whats Love got to do with it?

Today’s Gospel reading is from Matthew 5. Which means of course we have reached the Beatitudes. Jesus speaks to the crowds about who we should love

Jesus here is getting to the root of an issue. And one we seem to continue looking at today. And has raised it heads very severely.  He wants each of us  to  Love not only our friends but also our enemies.

Love our enemies

We have a large problem today in that we think love means affirmation. To Love is to want the good for the other. Meaning regardless of what you currently or have done in the past… I want you to be taken care of and to only get what is good.  In some cases, it may be a change of heart. Or it may be something else. But the goal is to give the one you love the best.  I can think of no other best than Jesus himself, so evangelization can be a sign of love.

But lets get back to the reading

Jesus makes reference to this particular piece of scripture from Leviticus. When he said  you have heard it said to love your neighbor and hate your enemy.

Let’s cherry pick from Leviticus

Like today, some people like to cherry pick the Scriptures and take a particular line out of context.  Some of these things stick  and begin working into the culture.  He is referencing this part of scripture:

Lev 19:18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD

Notice it makes no mention of our enemies so therefore we love our neighbor only.

Oh That’s right Jesus wrote that…

Jesus knowing intimately the word and its meaning for mankind, recognizes the error in thinking. He will suffer as this hatred of enemy manifests itself…  He is the word and the complete word. Ity is not as if you can only pay attention to the left cheek of Jesus or his index finger of his left hand.  Jesus cannot be cherry picked.  One must love and see all of Jesus.

The people who chose to look at one specific line of text are focused on that line… and they forget to read within the entire context of the passage… For just a few lines later in verses 33 and 34 it says

When an alien resides with you in your land, do not mistreat such a one.

You shall treat the alien who resides with you no differently than the natives born among you; you shall love the alien as yourself; for you too were once aliens in the land of Egypt.y I, the LORD, am your God.

Make a difference

You can love those who love you… but it is in loving others who hate you that a difference can be made.  There is absolutely no difference between any 2 human beings. There are some superficial differences. But both are made in the image and likeness of God. God created all.

To continue a hatred against another person is to hate something that God created. God does not create anything that is to be hated. God creates good.  Some people by their own free will choose to do evil things.. but only by willing the good of the other or loving that other person will there be a chance that they repent of this evil behavior or even a not-so-good behavior.

In no way are you telling the person you are doing good by loving them. Love will always break down evil and  bring together those things that are separated. It may not be a quick process… It may take a lifetime.. But we are called to remove separation and bring together. And when all are together we should hold no grudge, because then all shall be thought of as neighbor.

Be good Play nice Think God !

Today’s readings can be found https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/061620.cfm